Tuesday 16 March 2010

Saint Patrick's Day

Greetings from London, everybody!
Sorry for not posting the few past days. Things have been busy in here. Settling down, going shopping, sightseeing, meeting people and, of course, studying English.

Well, to sum up. Here are some pictures of Saint Patrick's Day in London. We celebrated it on March, 14 instead of 17 (which is the right date). Whatever! It was fucking great! A lot of beer, singing and dancing! 

I'm just gonna tellya somethin'. This is unfuckingbelievable!

Getting ready for the parade


3 comments to "Saint Patrick's Day"

Guto Viana said...
16 March 2010 at 23:20

Vai me trazer uma lembrança do Saint Patrick's Day???

morrendo de saudades de vcs!!!


Jonata Fernandes said...
2 May 2010 at 12:27

hehehe...Tb vo quere uma lembrança do Saint Patrick's Day...kkkkkkkkk...

By the way...very nice photos...

morrendo de saudades de vcs!!! =( [2]

Bryan said...
16 July 2010 at 22:43

Hey Ewerton, as I am half Irish, I fully understand the great fun you had, whilst I was living in London I had many occasion to party in Trafalgar square and drink lots of the good stuff.

Great to see you had a good time, or as the Irish would say, " There was plenty if craic"

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