Tuesday 16 March 2010

Saint Patrick's Day

Greetings from London, everybody!
Sorry for not posting the few past days. Things have been busy in here. Settling down, going shopping, sightseeing, meeting people and, of course, studying English.

Well, to sum up. Here are some pictures of Saint Patrick's Day in London. We celebrated it on March, 14 instead of 17 (which is the right date). Whatever! It was fucking great! A lot of beer, singing and dancing! 

I'm just gonna tellya somethin'. This is unfuckingbelievable!

Getting ready for the parade

Saturday 27 February 2010

Going to London!


To start this freaking adventure, let’s summarize some facts that happened earlier in the day.
First of all it was fucking hot when I left home. I thought I wouldn’t make it to the airport. São Paulo was jammed with cars and pollution, my father was driving like crazy. I prayed several times in the car to get to the airport alive.
When we got there, it was about 5 o´clock in the afternoon. Our flight would take off at 10:55 at night. We had to wait for all this hours. Dani’s got some problems with her ticket, and she thought she couldn’t travel with us. All she had to do was to wait.
All our families were there with us, although my parents left early. Caio’s and Dani’s parents were there to support us and say goodbye. We checked in and went to the departure gate. From this point on we were on our own. Júlia, Caio and me. The Three Musketeers. We walked through the corridors and got to the free shop. Everything was so fucking expensive. The only cheap things were the drinks. Ahhh, the drinks. I’ve found Absolut Vodka for 19 fucking dollars. Can you believe that? I almost bought some bottles to take to London. But I didn’t know if it was okay to land with them. While we were waiting to get onboard, in the lounge room, Dani came running toward us. She had made it. She was definitely traveling with us.
We got onboard. The guys let me sit at the window to see the plane taking off. I think it might have been the best present I’ve ever received. After some hours of delay, we were finally ready to go. Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts. You’re going to London.
The flight was terrible. Twelve hours sitting in a restricted area, with a non-loved French woman. She really sucked. I tried to have a conversation with her, but it was not possible. Her English was really awful and she was anti-social. Nevertheless, I did manage sitting next to her.
When the suffering was over, in other words, when we landed, it was awesome. People talking in English, pale faces, not smiling and practically ignoring you. We got to the Immigration Area. That was something I’ll never forget. Each one of us headed to different booths and after some annoying questions, all of us got 6 months visa. Awesome!
On the second day, I got drunk. LOL
That’s another story.


Monday 22 February 2010

Several ways of saying FUCK!


Monday is fucking gone. Tuesday is fucking coming. Wednesday is fucking there.
Our "farewell party" was fucking great. Every fucking person was there. The only fucking problem was that I drank too fucking much and now my fucking belly is fucking big and tough. I can't even fucking breath. It's a fucking disaster. Moreover, I've got a fucking cold and my throat is fucking itchy! 

 If you were not invited to the fucking "farewell party" :

Nevertheless, it was fucking awesome!

Well, tomorrow I'm gonna fucking pack my fucking stuff. I've already made the fucking list. It's fucking boring, man!
If you wanna say "good-fucking-bye", this is the fucking time. Tomorrow I'm not gonna fucking listen to you.

I'd also like to congratu-fucking-late my ex-student Jorge Carvalho. He has passed some fucking good exams in some fucking great federal universities! You are the fucking man, dude! You deserve the fucking best and do not stop fucking studying this fucking fuck language!


Astalafuckingvista, baby! 

PS.: Do me a favor and count how many "fucking" I've written!


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