Monday 22 February 2010

Several ways of saying FUCK!


Monday is fucking gone. Tuesday is fucking coming. Wednesday is fucking there.
Our "farewell party" was fucking great. Every fucking person was there. The only fucking problem was that I drank too fucking much and now my fucking belly is fucking big and tough. I can't even fucking breath. It's a fucking disaster. Moreover, I've got a fucking cold and my throat is fucking itchy! 

 If you were not invited to the fucking "farewell party" :

Nevertheless, it was fucking awesome!

Well, tomorrow I'm gonna fucking pack my fucking stuff. I've already made the fucking list. It's fucking boring, man!
If you wanna say "good-fucking-bye", this is the fucking time. Tomorrow I'm not gonna fucking listen to you.

I'd also like to congratu-fucking-late my ex-student Jorge Carvalho. He has passed some fucking good exams in some fucking great federal universities! You are the fucking man, dude! You deserve the fucking best and do not stop fucking studying this fucking fuck language!


Astalafuckingvista, baby! 

PS.: Do me a favor and count how many "fucking" I've written!


2 comments to "Several ways of saying FUCK!"

Ana Júlia said...
23 February 2010 at 18:41

this post was fucking awesome man! sorry but i did not count how many fucks u've written!
jorge, you'r fucking great!!
see ya

Unknown said...
23 February 2010 at 22:55

Fucking thank you!!!!
I hope you the fucking best too.
Good fucking luck in London.
Fucking bye.

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